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Open positions

Business Development Representative (BDR) (m/f)

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Location: Jarun, Zagreb
Job type: Full-time role

Senior Developer - Technical Lead (m/f)

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Location: Jarun, Zagreb
Job type: Full-time role

Open application (m/f)

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Maven Mule careers illustration
Location: Zagreb

What's it like working for Maven Mule

  • We’re committed to enablement, collaboration and unlocking your full potential
  • You can make an impact on high profile projects, using state-of-the-art technologies
  • We’re providing a safe environment for failing fast and coming back wiser and stronger
  • We’re a flat organisation where everyone’s feedback is welcomed
  • Everyone has a clear and important hands-on role to play
  • There won’t be a day that you won’t hear at least a few good jokes
  • We punch above our weight
  • We try to give back to society and enable non-profits in their growth as well

Our benefits

  • Flexible working options
  • Vitality healthcare and gym membership
  • Right equipment and tooling to do serious work
  • Generous training budget
  • Guaranteed paycheck increases in direct relationship with objective criteria
  • Parental benefits