
Maven Tools — an ever-growing collection of Salesforce developer tools

As a salesforce user there are endless ways to enhance and customise your Salesforce experience — browser extensions being the most popular. Google Chrome extensions can be installed directly to a browser for free with just one click. The salesforce community is extremely helpful and willing to give back — therefore many community extensions are made and available for Chrome.

In a vast sea of hundreds of chrome extensions where each does one specific thing, it is hard to find one tool with all the features. Meet Maven Tools — one tool to rule them all. Maven Tools is an ever-growing collection of Salesforce developer tools, and in this article we are diving into the top features that this extension has to offer.

Query Editor

In order to export data, count the number of records or delete them, Salesforce developers constantly execute SOQL queries, thus it is crucial to master this fundamental skill. With the Maven Tools Query Editor you can easily build powerful SOQL queries, with autocomplete suggestions for fields, child and parent relationships and a syntax highlighter. You have full control of the query execution. Fetch all records or fetch records in batches of 2000; you can also include deleted records if needed. A query result is immediately visible in a familiar lightning data table format, with all the lightning data table goodies like rows sorting and column resizing.

You can export the full query result as a .csv file in a single click, or use the copy to clipboard functionality in order to copy the data in excel format and immediately paste into a spreadsheet where all the columns and rows will be correctly formatted. After the query is executed, you can select rows from the data table and delete the records in just one click. After you have deleted your records, you can export the success.csv and error.csv files to get a list of IDs of successfully deleted records or troubleshoot the problems for the ones that have not been removed.

Debug Logs

Monitoring debug logs is crucial to diagnose problems in your org. With the Maven Tools for Salesforce Debug Log module you can set trace flags easily to trigger logging for users, classes and triggers. You have the ability to manage all trace flags — delete them or prolong them if needed. You can view full logs with the apex log syntax highlighter and export them to a .txt file.

You can also filter and search your logs with ease to find the issue you are looking for. A common problem Salesforce developers are facing is the accumulation of too many debug logs. With Maven Tools you can delete all logs with a single click, or delete specific logs if needed.

REST Console

Salesforce exposes a rich set of APIs and developers use them to do a variety of different tasks: retrieving object metadata, describing the organisation, creating, updating and deleting records. The classic go-to solution for exploring salesforce APIs is Workbench. This tool is currently outdated and has several limitations — for example a lack of an ability to save the requests for future use. With the Maven Tools REST Console you can create reusable API requests across multiple organisations in a familiar Postman-like experience.

Execute requests with a single click and forget about authorisation and access tokens as all of that is handled in the background. Generate code snippets from your requests in 27 different languages. Save your frequently used requests and use them for later testing and troubleshooting.

Event Hub

Event driven architecture in salesforce is becoming more and more popular as developers try to build more flexible connections between systems and provide real-time updates to other systems. The advantages of the event-driven architecture are easy to see, but the implementation is not always clear and hard to troubleshoot. This is where Maven Tools come to help. With the Event Hub developers can monitor all streaming events (Push Topics, Generic Events, Platform Events, CDC). You can subscribe to events in a user-friendly UI, and the event types are automatically discovered for you.

With the flexible replay option, you can easily subscribe to either new, past or specific events. View your events in real time and export all events to a JSON format if needed. Create new push topic events on the fly. Everything you need is in one place.

Record Data

Just paste the record ID and manage all record information in one place. With the Maven Tools Record Data module you can quickly view and edit all field values of any record. Search for a specific field, export or delete the record if needed. View all field metadata and identify the API Name, field label and data type. Quickly see the origin of fields to determine which fields are a part of the managed package, and check if the field is indexed or required. Useful salesforce shortcuts are here as well — create new or clone records, edit object and edit page layout.

Quick Access Menu — fastest way to access org metadata

The Quick Access Menu offers handy shortcuts and a quick way to search org metadata (users, profiles, object, classes, triggers and pages). The quick access menu will start seamlessly when the salesforce page is loaded and will never be in the way. It can also be opened with the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S (the shortcut can be changed in the chrome extension settings). The quick access menu can be dragged to the favourite screen position so it will never block you from doing your thing.

Here are some of the top features of the quick access menu:

  • Quickly Login As any user, Reset Password or Deactivate any user
  • Search all org objects and quickly create new records or edit page layouts
  • Access all fields of the current record by opening the record in the Record Data module, or run a query to export all fields of the records
  • And much more…

As flexible as possible — Maven Tools works the way you do

Each Salesforce admin or developer has a unique setup — either a single laptop or multiple monitors, or something in between. Maven Tools is fully aware of that and provides multiple modes of operation — open it in the developer console by inspecting the page or open it in a new tab by clicking the extension icon. All modules in Maven Tools support vertical and horizontal layout in order to efficiently use screen real-estate. The quick access menu hovers over the salesforce page and can be moved to any section of the screen. With the Salesforce Lightning Design system fully implemented, Maven Tools users will have the feeling they never left Salesforce.

With all the features above, Maven Tools really feels like a Missing piece of the Salesforce puzzle.

Download the Maven Tools free chrome extension:

Read the docs:

Read the Release notes:

Read Maven Mule blog on Medium: